
What I Do

Hey, I’m Amy.


As a user-centered strategist, I focus on solving specific challenges while keeping an eye toward the future of a system. I’m comfortable moving quickly among levels of fidelity, from defining initial scope to polishing the final details, and starting all over again. Building from a strong foundation of UX skills, I bring the most value in these areas:

Team Leadership

Leadership, to me, is less about who “owns” decisions and more about the process involved in reaching those decisions. That means creating an environment that’s focused on continuous learning in all directions, and collaboration at every opportunity. I lean on my own expertise to set the vision, then spend most of my time providing support and clearing the way for my team’s success.


Outside of the work itself, I focus on people, processes, and practices to level up UX as a discipline. I’ve been known to rebuild tools and resources from the ground up, improving efficiency and access for teams and partners. With a focus on consistency and transparency, I treat partners as clients and work with my teams to think critically about “the UX behind our UX.”

Organizational Transformation

I don’t mind my own business when it comes to the role of UX, and the effect of that role on the broader organization. I coach partner teams on what it means to be truly user-centered, and I work alongside them to implement ways of working that enable us to build capacity, make good decisions, and make constant progress toward the big picture.


Learn more about me: