
Why Your Ideal Client Hasn't Hired You (And What You Can Do About It)

  ideal clients, ica, ideal client avatar, client profile, target market, dream client, copywriting mistakes, branding mistakes

Do you ever feel like you’re still searching for your business soulmate?

That client who fits perfectly with your business - the one who would do cartwheels for the chance to work with you, because you get it. You’ve been searching, but coming up empty.

Read on for five common branding and copywriting mistakes that might be keeping your ideal client from hiring you.

1. Your message is only skin-deep.

Everyone knows what they do. Whether you design websites, sell handmade goods, or coordinate events, you could talk about your business in your sleep (and maybe you do, more often than you’d like to admit.)

But fewer business owners understand why they do what they do.

  • Why did you start this business in particular, instead of something else?
  • What do you want to be known for?
  • How do you want to change the lives of your customers?

If you build your core message around the heart of your business, you’ll be in a much better position to connect with your ideal client in a meaningful way. Because she can hire anyone - so give her a reason to hire you.

2. You talk about yourself too much.

Your business is a little bit about you - but it’s mostly about your clients. Rather than focusing on what you’re about, focus on what they are all about. Talk about where they are now in their life or business, and where they want to be. Then, show them how you can make that happen. Suddenly, your copy will create a Yes, Please! moment that makes your prospects more likely to work with you.

3. You don’t take the lead.

When potential clients visit your website, are you clear about what you want them to do next? If not, you’re missing a huge opportunity. The copy on each page of your site should prompt a very specific action - like signing up for your email list, purchasing an online guide, or booking a service.

Remember, your clients need time to warm up to you before they commit to working together - so plan your calls-to-action accordingly. If your About page is typically the first place visitors land, you won’t have much success pitching your biggest service package.

4. You don’t know who they are.

Conventional branding advice focuses on the demographics or your target market - age, marital status, educational background. While this information can be useful, it doesn’t help you get to know the people you want to work with.

Think about your ideal client the way you think about your best friend. What are her goals, values, and beliefs? What does she do for fun? What websites does she follow?

If you get to know your clients on a personal level, you can talk to them like a friend instead of another business owner trying to sell them a service.

5. You live on an island.

So you’ve got a solid brand foundation, and your copy is on point - but are you helping your clients find you?

You probably have a great business, but that doesn’t matter if no one knows you exist. Get on social media, meet new people at events, and make sure everyone and their grandmother knows about what you do. Follow up on leads and build solid relationships so when your favorite clients are ready to buy, they think of you instead of your competitors.

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