
Why You Shouldn't Hire a Copywriter - Yet

Fact #1: Marketing is changing.

It’s no longer enough to “get in front of” your target customers - now, the challenge is to get them (and keep them) engaged. Otherwise, you risk being ignored.

Fact #2: We love stories.

Not just stories we can read - stories we can feel. Stories we can sink into. We love stories that make us feel validated. It’s our nature.

Fact #3: The heart of a business lies in its story.

No one wants to buy your product or service. They want to buy the feeling it gives them, the solution to their problem, and the validation of their views and values.

Stories create meaning, attachment and value. [Tweet "Without a story, your business becomes replaceable (and so do you)."]

As a copywriter, I spend a lot of time with my clients ironing out a brand story - but it’s important that you understand it yourself, even if you can’t put it into words yet.

So if your brand looks a little (or a lot) blurry around the edges, don’t hire a copywriter. Not yet, anyway. Here's what you should do first:

1. Tune in over the next few weeks for a blog series about brand story development. I'll take you through the nitty gritty so you understand what a brand story is, how to build yours, and how to make it work for you. 2. I'm offering a new branding package to help you put the best version of yourself online, with a beta launch coming out in a few weeks. Want to be in the know? Get on my email list. (Bonus: You'll also get a free copywriting template.) 3. Leave a comment below and tell me: what questions do you have about branding? How can I help?

It's time to decide: do you want to be irreplaceable?

Or do you want to be optional?
